Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Path Least Traveled: Death Is In The Air

The Legend of ALLAH SWIFT…

There was a waning crescent moon occasionally peeking her face through the thinly layered cirrus clouds in the night sky with a slight breeze that crept down from the mountains to the west, the same direction in which Powerful Mind and Allah Swift were traveling. It was from the west where the most savage of savage beast dwelled, and they called their land Hades, and in the land of Hades, it was kill or be killed even for the children. Allah Swift unwillingly learned early on the scent of the reaper. “There’s death in the air” warned Allah Swift, troubled by the familiar scent of air that brought so much pain and confusion into his life. “Death is not to be feared young one. Death is to be understood as it is just another facet of the jewel we call life and all things in life can be understood given the right time, even death. Understand that death is promised as it has a bond with life and that bond never breaks, as your word should never break.” These words were spoken by Powerful Mind always teaching and guiding his young student in the ways of the warrior at every given opportunity. Powerful continued, “Great warriors must come face to face with death knowing that death will be the victor and the spoil of that battle is the body of the warrior. Although death will take the life of every great warrior, death can never kill their good name, and in that is where we find our everlasting honor.” Allah Swift repeated that one word under his breath, “hon-or” realizing the importance of honor, yet still not knowing what honor really was. Still young at heart with an inquisitive mind furthermore still confused, the young student asked his master and companion in tribulation, “What happens when a great warrior dies?” Powerful Mind closed his eyes, firmly gripping his sword with two hands as he wrestled with the vision of his fallen comrades before unsheathing the cold piece of steel, spoke these words to his student, “When the tiger of the forest die, they leave behind their skins, when great warriors die, they leave behind their great name.”

After giving his student a few moments, knowing he needed time to draw up the wisdom that flooded his young mind, Powerful Mind held his sword to the night sky so the light of the moon illuminated the inscriptions on the blade he forged with his bare hands, as all the great warriors of his land did before him. The eyes of Allah Swift focused on the magnificent piece of steel from point to grip examining every detail with the greatest of acuteness and admiration. Allah Swift was drawn up by the beauty of the blade not realizing that he was looking at a tool that sheds the blood of both men and women without compassion or regret. Mesmerized with intense curiosity, Allah Swift asked, “What’s the meaning of all this?” Powerful Mind inhaled slowly through his nose using his abdominal muscles to force the atmospheric Chi around him into his lungs cultivating his internal Chi energy and focusing his mind on the words he carefully chose to speak. “The meaning of anything is defined by the one who makes the observation. Words are words, and it is man who makes those words significant or insignificant unto himself. You will have to travel the Tao in your own time and in that time you will discover the meaning of all things significant to you, for my thoughts can not be your thoughts, and my words can not be your words. It is you who must discover the meaning in all things learned.”

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Swift Change.....

The Legend of ALLAH SWIFT...

Life as you know it can change in a split second. The change is swift but the events that made that change possible can take years, months, and days to unfold, and within that one moment the change is complete…….

The foul stench of blood suffocated the warm summer night air. Mutilated corpses made this poor part of the planet their final resting place. From the aftermath of what some might describe as Armageddon only one life remained from the cargo of slaves thanks to the faceless stranger who moved with precision, stalked his prey like the majestic jungle cats of Asia, whose power was more devastating and overwhelming than Mother Nature’s own abilities attacked and decapitated the heads of the murderous pack of blood thirsty wolves that caused so much carnage in so little time. This faceless stranger struck fear in the hearts of men with his frozen black eyes that burned with an eternal inferno of pained memories that he only knew, and all of his victims felt before their final breath of life.

The boy kneeled staring with only a single tear in his eye at the make shift grave site he made with his young bare tender hands. The grave site was a mound of dirt with some small round rocks as a head stone. “This will be your final resting place” thought the little boy. “They’re gone and I……and I’m still here alone” murmured the newly scarred boy. The stranger loosened his grip on his sword and with understanding in his voice stated “Nobody should reach Nirvana without the sweet taste of Saki on their lips….this is my tribute to those whom you lost today.” The swordsman reached inside his cloak revealing a black container with an inscription carved from gold in an unknown language twisting popping the cork and pouring a long drink of Saki on the grave site of the recently deceased. “Thank you” replied the young child as he stared into infinity not knowing what the future held for him.

The skilled swordsmen asked in the sternest and most sincere voice, “What is your name?” The boy replied with nervousness in his voice and pain in his heart, “Elijah, my name is Elijah.” With supreme confidence the swordsman replied, “My name is Powerful Mind Allah, say peace to your new master”. Trembling as if experiencing a 7.8 earthquake slowly and phonetically repeated, “Pow-er-ful Mind A-llah” “Elijah…that name is too soft for the true and living God…..from this day forward you will be known as Allah Swift…..that is a name that is equal to whom you are and who you shall become. This is a name that will stand the test of time and bring honor to you and to those whom you lost, and bring fear and terror to those who live disaccording to the law.”

On this day Elijah’s life would never be the same as that one moment came and went thus changing his life forever…..when the light of the Sun first dispersed the darkness of the night sky he was known as Elijah…..then, just as swift as the night turned to day the reflected moonlight replaced the light of the sun and that day was forever gone just as Elijah was no more and that which remained would forever be known as Allah Swift, and this is his legend…..